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What Is My Zodiac Flower - Cancer

What Is My Zodiac Flower - Cancer

Seldom can a person be described as "simple". We all have our complexities. However, this is especially true for you if Cancer is the zodiac sign for your birth month. If you were born between June 21st and July 22nd, you have to keep reading! Heck, if you know someone whose birthday falls between these dates, you should keep reading. We will look at some of Cancer's tendencies and what flower is suited just for them.

Cancer – Fourth sign of the Zodiac

When I think of Cancer as a water element ruled by the moon, I think of a great lake in the dark of night. At times the lake may be calm, yet at other times it could rage, all while remaining beautiful and mysterious. The Cancer sign is that of a crab, which is perfect.

Why is a crab perfect as the Cancer horoscope sign? The crab’s shell protects it from the outside. According to Astrology-Zodiac-Signs, those with the Cancer sign tend to be protective over their heart. They are not very quick to jump into the middle of a crowd and make close friends. That is not to say that our friends, represented by the crab, are not friendly. In fact, they are very sympathetic toward others and build deep relationships over time. You will have a hard time finding someone more loyal than those born with the Cancer sign, especially regarding family and the closest of friends.

Cancers enjoy the solace of home. As a result, they are very likely to invest their time and effort into making their space a place that rejuvenates them. Their home is where positive energy is strong, and their hearts can be filled.

Patience is a must to build a relationship with a Cancer. They are very emotionally driven people, which is great, but that can also come with a bit of moodiness. Loyalty and a strong sense of commitment draw others to Cancers, but those traits are not exhibited to everyone. Cancers know relationships require vulnerability. Just the same, they are not quick to let strangers play around with their hearts. If you betray their trust, they will likely have the last laugh. Whether they become passive-aggressive or choose to manipulate circumstances or people, they will be vindicated.

Cancer – White Rose

The white rose is highly versatile in its uses and emotional expressions. Historically, the white rose has been symbolic of purity and loyalty. This should be no surprise since the white rose is commonly used as a significant element in wedding bouquets and arrangements. Additionally, you will often find white roses at a funeral service. At a funeral, white roses can stand for several things, including friendship and respect. For anniversaries, the white rose can be used to communicate love.

White rose oils are used in perfumes such as Floris London White Rose. However, these precious essential oils are also used in creams for skin care. As a part of these creams and ointments, white rose oils can help soothe some skin conditions, including burns and cuts. In addition to the topical benefits, Nature In Bottle tells us that white rose essential oil can also be diffused into the air. The pleasing scent can help with depression and possibly aid in relieving stress from an aromatherapy perspective.

White Rose Care

White roses sound amazing, right? Well, the good news does not stop with having a spectacular flower for your zodiac. Roses are “pretty” easy to grow (ha-ha, see what we did there?). If you want to enjoy roses year after year in your yard, here are a few tips from Gardening Know How on how to plant and nurture your white rose bush.

First, you want to make sure you choose a spot on your property that is good for your rose bush's success. Avoid planting the roses right up against a structure. The roots need room to spread out as it matures and becomes stronger. Also, roses love to drink in the sunshine, so ensure they can get at least 6 hours of sun per day. With that in mind, watering is also essential. You do not want to drown your roses, but you should make a habit of watering your roses weekly during the spring and summer.

There are plenty of options for fertilizing your roses for better plant health and more blooms. You can go to your local nursery and find over a dozen different products that claim to perform numerous functions and have various advantages. While many of the expensive fertilizers may be effective, plain manure is also a good option. It can be less expensive (possibly free if you know a local farmer). One thing to remember is that you want to avoid pet manure unless you have horses, cows, chickens, or sheep as pets. Lastly, If you want your roses to bloom throughout the growing season, deadhead them. This will alleviate the plant from trying to nourish a bloom that is beyond its lifespan. Instead, the plant can now focus the nourishment from the soil and energy from the sun on creating new blooms.

As the zodiac flower, the white rose is very appropriate for those with the Cancer zodiac sign. The emotional messages are represented by giving white roses to someone. Cancers have an amazing capacity to sympathize with those going through a tough time, and white roses are the most common flowers used for funeral arrangements. Additionally, Cancers are very persuasive, just like the white rose oils used in perfume. Lastly, the white rose does not spread easily like other flowers. It remains where it is planted. This reflects the Cancer's desire to stay at home and enjoy the beauty of their own sanctuary.

At Tandem Studio Floral, we understand the desire to stay home at times. It is designed just for you! At the same time, we enjoy our time at our shop, putting together spectacular arrangements meant to celebrate and comfort those receiving them. If you are the type of person who likes to get out, see new things, and chat with new friends, stop by. We would like to meet you. If you don't live in the greater Grand Rapids, MI, or would like to stay at home, check out our website. We make sending flowers to those you love SUPER simple. We love what we do and are grateful for the opportunity to help everyone with their flower needs.