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Brenda Brown

Do you hate your job or the relationship you are in? Chances are that you probably do in either circumstance. I really can relate. I had a job that I hated and came down with severe depression because of it. After lots of medication and therapy I slowly crawled out of that black hole. I ended up having to quit the job because the thought of going back sent me into another panic attack. I had just graduated from college with a shiny new degree and discovered that an office environment wasn't for me. I had a looming school loan to pay off but was too sick to work a steady job. My therapist asked me if I could do anything regardless of pay etc. what would I do. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and that was floral design. But I never pursued it because of all those "what ifs" that get stuck in your head. It doesn't pay well either and what about my degree? Did I just waste a ton of money and 4 years of my life on a degree I wasn't going to use? I ended up trying a floral job over the Christmas holidays and I loved it! They hired me on as a part time employee and the rest is history. Yes, the pay did stink. My Grandfather told me I was wasting my degree but you know what? My happiness is more important than money or what people think of me. Fast forward about 25 years and I was back in the same boat of hating my job again but this time it WAS in floral design. What was I going to do now? I couldn't imagine having any other career. But somehow the universe works in mysterious ways. A small space became available in the hometown I am from only 3 miles from my house. It was perfect. The size, location and price. But working full time freaked me right out and my mind filled with all those "what ifs" again. Depression has taught me one thing though, and that is to live your best life possible. If I didn't try a shop of my own I would lose. I would let all those negative thoughts win and keep me from pursuing my passion. I'm not going to lie, it's not easy taking this leap of faith but as Winston Churchill once said "success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
2475 84th St. SW, Byron Center, MI, 49315
2475 84th St. SW, Byron Center MI
(616) 888-0219
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday 10 AM - 1 PM
Google Maps image depicting the location on a map with a marker

About Tandem Studio

Tandem Studio was created from a deep passion of all things floral and a desire to turn away from mass produced, "cookie cutter" floral designs. We offer a more intentional shopping experience and each arrangement is carefully created just for you. You won't find the standard red dozen roses here. But you will find beautiful, colorful specially curated fresh stems and bouquets for all occasions.
We celebrate creativity, connecting and community through our creative workshops. Connecting is so important during this digital age we live in and workshops offer a unique experience for everyone.

Our philosophy is to bring nature into peoples lives and spread the joy of beautiful flowers. We offer this to our community through fresh flowers, faux flowers, plants and gifts. We hope our shop will spark a smile and leave you feeling inspired to spread happiness and peace.

Where we deliver

Tandem Studio proudly serves Byron Center, Caledonia, Dorr, East Grand Rapids, Grandville, and Wyoming.

Tandem Studio also delivers to the following cities: Ada, Byron Center, Caledonia, Dorr, GR, Grand Rapids, Grandville, Hudsonville, Jenison, Moline, Wayland, Wyoming